Saturday, November 27, 2021

Society's Expectations of Technology

 Building a Relationship with Technology and Losing Relationships with Each Other

In a world of friend requests, direct messaging, and virtual meetings, have we lost touch with true connection? Today, we expect to connect instantaneously. We no longer have to meet in person, we can send a request via Zoom. We don't have to go see a movie, we can watch it on our device. So, what does this mean for society's expectations? Have we become co-dependent on these devices to connect with others? Are we trying to connect at all? Try this exercise. Take the bus and look around you to see how many people are actually talking to another person. I promise you it will be 1 out of 10. Most people will be looking down at their iPad, smartphone, or digital watch. Technology has dramatically altered our culture and how we interact with other people. 

We expect technology to track our steps, play our favorite movie, film or tell us the weather, or even schedule our daily tasks. We expect technology to touch every aspect of our lives. And it does just that! But, are we really building relationships with each other still, or are we building relationships with technology. Sherry Turkle says "As we expect more from technology; we start to expect less from each other." 

Watch Turkle's TED Talk and learn more. 

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