Saturday, November 27, 2021

Technology's Harmful Impact on Cognitive Ability

Technology Has Changed the Way We Think

Today's children will never know the challenge of burning music to a CD or holding the antenna to get a clear picture on the television. This is because they were born in a world where you can download a song with the click of a button or watch a plethora of movies from a streaming service. This is a good thing, right? Yes and no. Children can be negatively impacted by the constant use of technology. It's not uncommon to see a toddler with an iPad or smartphone. They are more likely to use this device better than adults. They know how to search videos on YouTube before they can speak. There has been research on how this is damaging to a child's wellbeing because it can lead to attention disorders. Children no longer know how to focus. It's not just children that are being affected.

Adult cognitive abilities are also being challenged due to technology. According to Pew Research Center, technology impacts our capacity for analytical thinking, memory, focus, creativity, reflection, and mental resilience. "We live in a culture that fosters attention-deficit disorder because of hyperconnectivity", said Nikki Graves, professor at Emory University. Technology has undoubtedly changed the way we communicate and think. We are constantly multitasking and moving at a fast-past due to technology. 

Watch this video on internet attention-deficit disorder for toddlers.

Society's Expectations of Technology

 Building a Relationship with Technology and Losing Relationships with Each Other

In a world of friend requests, direct messaging, and virtual meetings, have we lost touch with true connection? Today, we expect to connect instantaneously. We no longer have to meet in person, we can send a request via Zoom. We don't have to go see a movie, we can watch it on our device. So, what does this mean for society's expectations? Have we become co-dependent on these devices to connect with others? Are we trying to connect at all? Try this exercise. Take the bus and look around you to see how many people are actually talking to another person. I promise you it will be 1 out of 10. Most people will be looking down at their iPad, smartphone, or digital watch. Technology has dramatically altered our culture and how we interact with other people. 

We expect technology to track our steps, play our favorite movie, film or tell us the weather, or even schedule our daily tasks. We expect technology to touch every aspect of our lives. And it does just that! But, are we really building relationships with each other still, or are we building relationships with technology. Sherry Turkle says "As we expect more from technology; we start to expect less from each other." 

Watch Turkle's TED Talk and learn more. 

Technological Advancement Leads to Human Regression

Is Technology the Downfall of Humanity?

Undeniably, technology has had a positive impact on our society. It's changed the way we think, communicate, and operate. We're able to connect with friends and family, meet virtually with people all over the world, and purchase an item with a click of a button from our smartphones. It's had a profound impact on our society and culture. It's also changed the game for industries. Unfortunately, this change has not all been great. Industries such as film, music, and print media are declining. Technology has brought streaming services like Netflix which has drastically altered how we watch films. Movie theaters are selling fewer tickets because people can now watch movies from the comfort of their homes. People are now able to stream music from their devices and listen to the hottest new song. Newspapers are cutting staff in half because they are no longer selling newspapers due to digital news also from our devices. Industries are seeking technological robots for efficiency and productivity. In today's society, people are having to shift their career focus because technology has taken over many jobs. 

According to The Bradley Scout, technology can lead to human regression because it (1) creates a dependence on technology which can cause mental health disorders, and (2) can lead to obsessive behaviors. We see technology being integrated into the workplace and in schools. Nowadays babies are using iPads before they are potty trained. Because we are always connected to our smartphones, we lose connection with other people. 

Watch this video from the History Channel to learn more.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Public Relations in Digital Technology

 Public Relations in a Digital World

There are many positive aspects to social media. There are also negative aspects. Ask any public relations firm or agent, and they will probably tell you all the negative. Social media can be damaging for public relations professionals. Because social media is instantaneous and reaches a wide, global audience, misinformation is an even bigger issue than a newspaper retraction. This new form of digital public relations means PR professionals have to manage online reputations for companies and individuals and this is no easy task.

Social media has had a profound impact on public relations. It has both brought new opportunities, and also brought new challenges. Social media means two-way communication. Users are no longer just sitting back and soaking in all the information. They are also becoming active participants in steering the conversation. There's also citizen journalism to consider. Users are creating the content on social media platforms even if that content is inaccurate. Read this article on how social media has impacted public relations.

Watch this video of social media's impact on public relations.

Devices in Communication Technology

 Devices in Communication Technology 

Technological innovation continues to evolve rapidly. One thing that is consistent is change. Communication professionals have to be ready to adapt to these changes in technology, particularly, devices in communication. A few communication devices are laptops, smartphones, tablets, virtual assistants, etc. Communication technology also evolves social media, live video streams, and blogs! These devices are being used everywhere. If you simply take a ride on a bus, you'll look around and see nearly everyone with a device. It's the new way to communicate. 

In the communications field, employees are having to be trained on how to use new and developing devices. For example, some communication professionals might have to be trained on how to use new platforms in the workplace. Companies can't risk and employees not knowing how to use a tool, so they are taking every precaution to make sure these employees understand how to use these tools. Technology has changed the workplace today. Some ways it has transformed it is by placing everything on the cloud, operations with virtual assistants, and team apps. 

Watch this TED Talk and learn how technology has impacted communication. 

Technology's Harmful Impact on Cognitive Ability

Technology Has Changed the Way We Think Today's children will never know the challenge of burning music to a CD or holding the antenna t...